Well, it’s obvious that we need to change the wcgweb.org domain to somthing else for those of you who use it. Of course you also have the option of registering your own domain for your church or camp web site. For example, if yiou have a local church name, you may try to get a domain name similar to that. If not, you may try a GCI variation like gciglendora.org or gciphoenix.org. We’re quite happy to provide the web and/or email hosting for it for free– just set the name servers to ns1.dreamhost.com, ns2.dreamhost.com, and ns3.dreamhost.com and send an email to webmaster@wcg.org requesting hosting for your church or camp. Please provide the location of the church or camp and the pastor or director’s name so that we can verify it’s one of ours.
For those who want to keep using our domain name, please provide some feedback below so we can decide which domain name(s) make sense to use. For example, if we use gcisite.org and your current URL is eugene.wcgweb.org, then your new URL will be eugene.gcisite.org. The old URL will continue to work for some time, at first as an automatic redirect, then after a few months as a “this site has moved page” where people will be given the notice that they need to update their bookmarks to the old URL.
If you have other suggestions, send them to webmaster@wcg.org or use the Contact Us page.
Thank You for keeping me updated.
God Bless